Wednesday, December 7, 2011

It's a funny story

This is going to be a long one.
I don't know why but weird things tend to happen to me at school.
For example, a few months ago I tripped over a blind girl's cane and she yelled at me and called me a mean name..embarrassing.
I always get hit on by black guys, but yesterday was different.
so I was sitting in the library minding my own business and this big nasty guy decides to strike up a conversation..I was not interested in participating.
Here's how it went..
Creep: Hey girl, what's up?
me: minding my business..I can't hear you..
Creep: ooh are you gonna be shy girl? I can work with that.
Me: hmm weird..still can't hear anything
Creep: you like to play hard to get?
Me: I then proceed to give him the you are an idiot look
Creep: ok so can I have your number?
Me: I had nothing left to do but use my defense mechanism. I flipped him the RING
Creep: oh girl has a I am scared.
Boy next to me: I think she would like you to get a life and leave her alone!
Creep: who are you? her husband? 
Nice Boy: no, but i am pretty sure her husband would like me to kick your a#*!

....It went downhill from there and they both got kicked out of the library. I thanked the nice guy for standing up for me. I can't believe there are guys who have the nerve to talk to a girl that way. Like really? get some class.

Anyways, I made my first craft last night and I am pretty pleased with myself!

It was super simple and you can write notes on it with a dry erase marker! yay for crafts and pinterest!

A few weeks ago brock and I went to dinner with cam and lyss. lyss and I decided we wanted to do something fun afterwards, so we came up with the idea to go ice blocking on a big hill. The boys were not too thrilled about our idea but they knew what was good for them, so they complied:) We got our blocks and towels and headed off to the hill. I guess I am not a skilled ice blocker because i fell EVERY SINGLE time I went down. And it was freezing and the grass was wet. But it's ok I don't regret my injuries. I had fun.

* notice in picture #3 brock's whole front side is soaking wet...hahaha I love him.

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